Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh Chinese....

Don't get frustrated when learning Chinese. Just start somewhere and work from there. A journey begins with a single step. I took me forever just to learn how to count from 1 to 5 will come...I promise! Just try to be patient. Don't be afraid to speak in Chinese. I cannot wait until I can say more and more! GO GET EM!

OMG Tone Listening Practice

This was like a ray of light in my tone struggles. Beautiful! Just beautiful!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Audio Chinese Lessons

Audio Chinese lessons for beginners. They have more advanced ones, but this one has like a million lessons...well, not literally.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chinese-English dictionary

There are many Chinese-English Dictionaries online, but here is one that I like:

Learn Chinese at

Chinese Colors

I have found a site to help you learn your Chinese colors. It is interactive. You press on the color circle and you not only hear the characters, but you see the pinyin and the Chinese characters.

Here it is: